Predicting Death

This theme has been prevalent lately and so I wanted to blog about it. I've been predicting death, namely my grandmother's death next month. She's been sick for awhile and miserable. And I've been getting the Sorrow card repeatedly in tarot card readings, which is what tipped me off. I've heard people being able to [...]

Samael’s Back and There’s Gonna Be Trouble

Adding to my chronicles about a Demon named Samael, he returned, but this time it attached to a different coworker. It was a little crazy, having to deal with this - on top of everything else. I found out why this demon was attracted to him - it was partially due to past life issues [...]

Pray the Gay Away Gone Awry

This will be the last of several posts I dedicated to my first house call. It was a very active home and town and completed a lot of firsts for me as a psychic medium. The story that I helped unravel is shocking and terrible, so be prepared. This story takes place in Grand Bois, [...]

Surprising Side Effect of DNA Activation, Spiritual Awakening & Ascension

I received an important, interesting message today - something that many of you need to know. As we ascend, either voluntarily or involuntarily, our bodies change as time goes on, shifting energetically and physically. As someone who recently completed a DNA Activation, I'm starting to realize the impact of it, aside from the initial detox [...]

My First Demonic Encounter

I made my first house call tonight. A co-worker of mine, who practices Voodoo and witchcraft and is a medium, has been having problems with a dark spirit. I found out that it was a demon named Samael that I previously blogged about. He is probably the strongest demon, second in command to the devil. [...]

Making Pacts with the Devil

While some people purposely make pacts with the devil or dark spirits, you can accidentally make a pact with a demon without knowing it. Practicing dark magic or Voodoo can definitely make you vulnerable to this. It's all about Karmic law - you put bad into the universe, you get that back. You literally manifest [...]

Opening and Closing Portals

As I've develop spiritually, I figured out that I can open and close portals, an energetic doorway into another dimension. They're everywhere - in house, roads, schools, hospitals, natural areas etc. People can become portals during traumatic events or a spiritual awakening. As I previously blogged, I figured out that I am a portal and [...]

Haunted Bourg Larose Highway

To those not living in South Louisiana, Bourg Larose Highway is a 14 mile highway stretching from Bourg, Louisiana (outside Houma) and Larose (outside Raceland). It is known for being one of the most haunted highways in Louisiana. It's sparsely populated and there is little between these two towns except cane fields, swamps, and spirits. [...]

Samael, Samhain, & Satan

As most of you know, the universe if filled with both light and darkness. Darkness - being the absence of light - helps balance the light. This dualistic yin & yang rules our lives, some more than others. Of course, its better to be filled with light rather than darkness. As we ascend, our souls [...]

Personal Energy Portals

I been using my copper dousing rods to check up on the energy of my house. It was strange that last time my dousing rod went crazy over my bed. I thought it was because of a spirit / angel being there, but I think something more extensive is happening. Usually the copper rods criss [...]