7 Week Cleanse: End of Root Chakra; On to the Sacral

As I type, I am listening to an hour long meditation with the Tibetan Singing Bowls. It’s Sunday, and the last day of 1st week of my 7 week Chakra cleanse. I think it was a pretty successful week, all things considered. I meditated at a nature trail, worked with grounding crystals, which I later created a Reiki grid with. I worked both my jobs and vigorously cleaned and organized my house – finally unpacking the few boxes left from the move. I know I still have to work on my Root / issues with it, especially financial. I feel ready to start tackling my debt problems head on. It’s like this week gave me the extra push, revitalized me to tackle these issues. I know my Twin flame helped me a good bit on the other side, which was a perfect segue into next week (tomorrow) beginning of the sacral chakra.

Reflecting on my 2nd chakra, I think I have already worked on a lot of these issues, I am just dealing with the physical aftermath. Several months ago, I was undiagnosed dealing with PCOS, hormonal imbalances, and untreated bi-polar II. At several points, I thought my relationship was over – it was not easy, we fought a lot, but my judgement and my emotions were all over the place. I was super impulsive (more than normal anyway) and reactive. After going on birth control for several months and a mood stabilizer, my emotions became more steady and more rational. It was a night and day difference [quite literally as I was staying up all night and sleeping all day 😉 ]. I am just starting to lose the weight I gained from PCOS. I went from between a 12/14 to a 16. With yoga, classical stretching, gluten-free diet, and energy work, my energy levels are rising, and I am able to lose the weight. I have lost about half of the PCOS weight so far, and then have my thyroid weight gain and freshmen 15 (more like 30 lol) and so on. Mentally, I am in a much better place, allows me to stay focused and committed to change, which has always been hard for me in the past. It’s funny how following your higher self makes everything so much easier. It’s like swimming with the current versus against it.

So I think this coming week with be both fun and mostly easy. I am still going to put in the work, as to help heal this chakra and aid its recovery. This past week, I had to help my fiance with his car issues and change plans I had for him. I feel like that was fate’s way of beginning this week’s sacral cleanse – the act of having to put my significant other’s needs before mine. I look forward to dotting on him this week and to spending valuable time with him. I also look forward to being creative and maybe finishing some crafts I put on hold – like creating my tarot mat. I also plan to finally hang up my curtains, as my cats are destroying the blinds :\ I think continuing to straighten up my house, working on its chi / energy will help get my first couple chakras in order. It’s an interesting change / challenge having to keep up with a 500 square foot apartment vs a 1000 square foot house.

On a different note, I found some great challenges on meditativemind.org, such as this 40 day mantra challenge  and the Healing Camp 2016 videos (on youtube as well).  I think I will start the mantra one after I finish the 7 week chakra challenge. I don’t want to overlap and lose focus of my original purpose.


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